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Lean Together 2021: Towards general-purpose automation for Lean
Lean Together 2021: Automatically generalising theorems using typeclasses in Lean
Lean Together 2021: Metaprogramming in Lean 4
Lean Together 2021: Towards verified decompilation using Lean 4
Lean Together 2021: Mathematical insights from using Lean
Lean Together 2021: Opening remarks
Lean Together 2021: Metaprogramming in Lean 4 continued
Lean Together 2021: Widgets: interactive output in VSCode
Lean Together 2021: Generative Language Modeling for Automated Theorem Proving
Lean Together 2021: Panel on teaching with proof assistants
Lean Together 2021: An example of a manifold
Gabriel Ebner: Integration of General-Purpose Automated Theorem Provers in Lean